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Books for Sale > I Water Dead Plants: a book of poetry and belief
I Water Dead Plants: a book of poetry and belief
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Price: $16.00

In spite of a love for all things botanical, she can’t seem to grow a garden or sustain a flowering plant, though her patio and home boast several healthy succulents. “They’re used to drought,” she explains to those who point to the mostly healthy cactus and agave.

She has found a way to resolve her dilemma. At night, after chores and errands are complete, when distractions diminish, the phone no longer rings and e-mail is exhausted, Heather works on her art. The plants and flowers she describes with her keyboard or paints with a camera’s lens are watered by her undivided attention.

Author’s Bio

 A Chicago native, author Heather J. Kirk currently resides in Scottsdale, Arizona, where she works as a graphic designer, fine art photographer and fashion designer, through her company PhotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing.

 She loves to help other authors birth their literary babies through the editing and design process, as well as getting their books for sale on Amazon.

Her writing inspiration arises from her own experiences, whether in a physical garden or encounters in the “mission field” of life. Her work is firmly planted in a faith that no matter how difficult life can be in this out of sync world, “all things work together for good”.

She uses a portion of the proceeds of her literary and artistic works to support the prevention and intervention of human and sex trafficking.

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To find all the links in one place for “everything” by Heather J. Kirk - photographic art, graphic design and author services (editing and book design), and fashion – visit:

May you find laughter, profound insight, hope and renewal.
Blessings to you in the name of Jesus.
Heather J. Kirk



See more ART at www.heather-Kirk.pixels.com   E-Mail Heather J. Kirk at: HJKirk @ juno dot com.

"His glory covered the Heavens, and the earth was full of His praise."  Habakuk 3:3b

All images and content Copyright Heather J. Kirk    

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