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Books for Sale > Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul
Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul

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Prod. Code: Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul

Heather J. Kirk Contributes to Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul!


While the Chicken Soup Anthologies are edited for what seems to be narrow audiences, I truly believe that this edition, even while mentioning names and countries that are clearly from the Spanish speaking world, can touch on the experiences of any immigrant family coming to the United States. Additionally, it is for any family that has struggled, knows the experience of working hard to make it, parents sacrificing for their children to succeed, a language or cultural gap between generations, and the unbreakable bond of family.

That said, my story "Alma" has nothing to do with that. It’s about my experience on a short term mission in Mexico, and learning from a young girl named Alma who became my friend, whom I bonded with at a soul level. Anyone who has done missions knows you start out with the attitude of "I’m going to help all those poor lost people" (though you might not admit to it out loud), and comes home realizing perhaps you’ve been enriched more than those you went to help.



See more ART at www.heather-Kirk.pixels.com   E-Mail Heather J. Kirk at: HJKirk @ juno dot com.

"His glory covered the Heavens, and the earth was full of His praise."  Habakuk 3:3b

All images and content Copyright Heather J. Kirk    

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